Marketing and selling to Corporate Training & HR can be a tricky business.
We know that selecting the RIGHT marketing database to reach your target market is only half of the battle… The other half is knowing what kind of outreach will yield the best results:
- How do you best leverage email marketing?
- What kind of content should you send?
- How do you strike the right frequency balance when emailing or calling?
We have interviewed some of our most successful clients and gathered their insights regarding what works well when marketing and selling to prospects in the MTG database.
This week, we’ll share an interview with MTG client, Jim Hartigan, from Orgwide, a 25-person boutique L&D company. Orgwide offers several key services to the learning and development market including: Consulting, Learning & Development, Communication & Messaging, and Surveys & Testing. Jim Hartigan joined Orgwide as Chief Business Development Officer and Partner several years ago and was tasked with broadening Orgwide’s client base while increasing sales.
At the time, Orgwide had never used rented or purchased list for selling or marketing purposes. Previous marketing efforts had included networking and emailing or calling on their internal list of networked leads. To grow the business, Jim realized he needed to pour more NEW leads into the top of the funnel and he selected Mentor Tech Group to help fulfill that need.
Here are some important excerpts from our interview with Jim, outlining five proven ways to sell more using the MTG database:
MTG: “Thanks for offering to chat with us today about your success in using the Mentor Tech Group database. What was the primary reason you chose to work with Mentor Tech Group for this endeavor?”
Jim: “Well, Mentor Tech Group was selected due to their ability to target specific decision-maker contacts in the Training space and provide us with four-month updates to keep our data accurate.”
MTG: “And are there some key recommendations you can provide so that others may learn from your success in marketing and selling to the prospects in the MTG database?”
Jim: “Absolutely. For us, it has really come down to five important steps.”
1.) Use a Multi-pronged Approach
“Since purchasing the list, Orgwide has continuously used a multi-pronged approach when selling and marketing to the MTG database, including: telemarketing, email marketing, and postcard mailings. We often combine a telemarketing campaign with the offer of our latest white paper, and that usually produces some great results for us. As a result, we have had a very good level of success with the MTG list. Within a short time, we secured nine new clients directly from the MTG list. Multi-pronged marketing has worked well for us.”
2.) Cut through the Noise
“You have to cut through the noise. Do to that, we email a weekly blog series. We then track on the website who’s clicking through and what domain names have been on the site for how long and on which pages, etc. Find out who’s engaging with your website and then target them for a telesales follow up call. ‘I saw you clicked on our blog and wondered what you thought…’”
“Our goal with each outreach is to become part of the consideration set when a need arises. We must continue to build awareness with decision makers, so that when a need arises, the prospect will think of Orgwide.”
3.) Nothing Beats a Phone Call
“We also do broader telemarketing to the MTG list. We use the white paper in draft form to reach out to people on our lead list. We indicate that they have been selected to provide feedback in a ‘pre-published review’ of our white paper, and in exchange they will be entered into a drawing for an iPad. Participants then have a 30-minute phone call with a Partner of the firm to provide valuable feedback. This also allows us to further qualify them in our sales process. We run this campaign every six months. It provides us with enough warm leads to take us through a six-month period.”
4.) Don’t be “Bornoying”
“Most of all, don’t be boring and annoying” – something Jim calls, “bornoying.”
To be certain their blog series is relevant to readers, Orgwide solicits suggested topics for the blog series as well.
Jim makes note, “Be sure you watch the unsubscribe rate. Stay on top of that to ensure the information you send is relevant.”
Mentor Tech Group recommends providing informative, value-added content that will immediately benefit your readers – for free. Content should provide tips, best practices, or thought-provoking ideas to provide value to your recipients. Doing so will help build trust over time.
5.) Use, Use, Use the Database
Orgwide’s goal in investing in the MTG database was to broaden their client base and that is the exact result they’ve experienced.
Jim indicates that the bottom line is simply this: “You have to work the list every day and have a purposeful, planned approach to it… Our plan includes our weekly blog series, regular email and phone follow up with the clients, and prospecting calls, offering value at every touch.
The key is simply this: You MUST work your list. You can’t just buy the list. You must actively work it.”
Jim says that on average, he emails each lead two times per month and leaves every prospect an average of 1.5 voicemails per month, in addition to emailing the weekly blog series. Now that’s some serious, purposeful and planned marketing.
“Why did we elect to renew our subscription with Mentor Tech Group? In the first year of using the MTG database, we:
- Invoiced nine times what we spent on the list…
- Averaged a 38.3% increase in overall website traffic
- Experienced a 62.8% increase in new website visitors!”
For more information about Orgwide’s services, please visit:
To learn more about how the Mentor Tech Group decision-maker database can improve your sales results, contact us at:
(651) 457-8600, Ext. 1
Ask about our unique benefits, including our proprietary Job Code classification, allowing you to clearly identify the exact decision-makers you seek. What are you waiting for? Contact MTG today.