If you are looking for ways to reduce your 2021 taxable income, NOW may be the BEST time to invest in Mentor Tech Group’s market intelligence.
Did you know that you can write off the entire cost of the MTG custom-built database as a 2021 expense?
Not ready for a list now? That’s okay – you can purchase now and defer your list delivery until February 28, 2022.
It’s a win-win. Act now – time is of the essence.
Remember, if you’re looking for access to confirmed Training and HR decision-maker info, there is no better resource than Mentor Tech Group.
CONTACT US today to take advantage of this offer! We look forward to hearing from you at (651) 457-8600, Ext. 1.
Mentor Tech Group is THE #1 Resource for Accessing Corporate Training & HR Decision-Makers
Mentor Tech Group is highly specialized in YOUR target market:
- In business since 1999, Mentor Tech Group specializes in Corporate HR, Talent Management & Training decision-maker information for the top 5,500 companies in North America.
- We offer a one-year, unlimited usage license for contact information including email, telephone, and mailing address.
Watch this 30-second video to see WHY MTG is SO DIFFERENT:
100% human-verified information – a Hand-Built database unlike any other!
Receive FREE data updates every four months.
Uniquely segmented by job function – NOT nebulous job title.
You can now OUTSOURCE the creation and maintenance of a database of high-level contacts from your target market.
Ask around…Mentor Tech Group has an excellent reputation!
Learn more – CONTACT US today at (651) 457-8600, Ext. 1.