Each client database we build includes a “Comments” column. This can be a critical field.
It contains a variety of insightful information gleaned from our conversation with each database contact. There are thousands of additional or alternative contacts and email addresses in the Comments section (that are NOT part of the overall database count).
In addition, this unique field may include:
- WHO is their assistant, and related contact info, or
- HOW do you pronounce their name, what specific responsibilities they have, or has the company been acquired recently, etc., or
- WHY a person has been selected as meriting membership in our database despite their title not indicating that they are an important contact, or
- WHERE else to contact them, sometimes we have cell phone numbers, sometimes additional address information.
This is all INVALUABLE information for those who pick up the phone and make calls! And – this is highly unique to the MTG database and INCLUDED in your purchase.
To learn more, please contact us today.